Animal Signs
Migratory and feeding paths for wild animals often cross highways. Larger wildlife, such as: caribou, deer, moose, elk can be dangerous for drivers and have the potential to cause serious collisions. At locations where wildlife are known to frequently cross the highway, it may be advisable to warn motorists of the wildlife crossing hazard with any of our Wildlife Crossing (Xing) Signs.
- High quality powder coated .040 thickness aluminum to prevent rusting.
- Digitally printed vinyl for numerous design options.
- Four color process, eco-friendly, weather, fade and abrasion resistant UV ink.
- Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with an average life expectancy is 10+ years.
Warning & Caution Signs
Animal Aluminum Signs and Vinyl Stickers, such as: Please Do Not Feed Animals -
Bird Signs
Aluminum Signs and Vinyl Stickers, such as: Xing (Crossing), Beware of -
Cat Signs
Aluminum Signs and Vinyl Stickers, such as: Xing (Crossing), No Cat Pooping, Deaf and Blind Cat